Without the contribution of women, society is less alive, culture impoverished, and peace less stable.

— St. John Paul II
Oratory Sketch

Give the gift of Stonecrest! Learn more about the Oratory Campaign.

Help us unleash the feminine genius and inspire women to meet their full potential!

Stonecrest has a 60-year history of engaging and inspiring women. We have an experienced team, and established programs, partnerships, and participants. Our numbers, and our partner numbers, have grown steadily over the years, and women are thirsty for this type of programming.

Ways To Give

Outright Gifts for the Stonecrest in Virginia Campaign

When you make an outright gift to Stonecrest, your contribution can be put to work immediately.

Cash gifts can be made through credit/debit card transactions, cash, or personal checks made payable to Stonecrest Home Arts. Gifts may be a one-time contribution or as part of a three or five-year pledge.

Gifts of appreciated securities, stocks, and bonds also provide considerable tax advantages when transferred to Stonecrest before they are sold. Transferring long-term securities to Stonecrest allows you to make a gift and receive a charitable deduction equal to the full, fair market value of the securities. Neither party pays taxes on gifts of this nature. In order for Stonecrest to acknowledge your gift and provide you with a letter for tax purposes, please contact Kerry Haslam at info@stonecrest.org to let us know that you would like to make a gift of stock.

Gifts of real estate, including personal residences, second homes, income property, and vacant land — offer a wide variety of tax and other benefits. Please speak to your financial professional to find out more, or contact Kerry Haslam at info@stonecrest.org.


Members of the Stonecrest Legacy Society have included the Stonecrest Center in their will or estate plans. A bequest can be made to Stonecrest by including the following language in your will or estate planning document:


I give to Stonecrest Home Arts, a non-profit 501(c)(3) Corporation headquartered in Virginia the sum of $______ (or ____% of my estate; or the property described herein) for its general purposes.

If you have already included Stonecrest in your will or estate plans, we would like to recognize your generosity. Please contact us, so we can identify you as a member of the Stonecrest Legacy Society.

Gift Pledges

The Stonecrest Center welcomes your campaign gift through a pledge — a formal statement of intention to make a gift to Stonecrest. With a pledge, you may complete your gift by making regular payments over time, allowing you to give more generously than you originally may have considered. What is more, each payment on your pledge is eligible for an income-tax charitable deduction.

Pledge gifts may be made to Stonecrest for any term, on a monthly, quarterly, or annual payment schedule. Stonecrest requests that pledges to the campaign be fully paid by December 31, 2025.

Use of your gift

When giving to Stonecrest, you can designate your gift as unrestricted or directed.

Unrestricted gifts are among the most valuable to Stonecrest, because they allow Stonecrest to allocate funds wherever the need is greatest and to take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

Directed gifts allow you to designate your gift for a specific program or space. If you are interested in options for your directed gift, please contact Kerry Haslam at info@stonecrest.org.