“Without the contribution of women, society is less alive, culture impoverished, and peace less stable.”

Give the gift of Stonecrest! Learn more about the Oratory Campaign.
Help us unleash the feminine genius and inspire women to meet their full potential!
Stonecrest has a 60-year history of engaging and inspiring women. We have an experienced team, and established programs, partnerships, and participants. Our numbers, and our partner numbers, have grown steadily over the years, and women are thirsty for this type of programming.

Ways To Give
Outright Gifts for the Stonecrest in Virginia Campaign

Members of the Stonecrest Legacy Society have included the Stonecrest Center in their will or estate plans. A bequest can be made to Stonecrest by including the following language in your will or estate planning document:
I give to Stonecrest Home Arts, a non-profit 501(c)(3) Corporation headquartered in Virginia the sum of $______ (or ____% of my estate; or the property described herein) for its general purposes.
If you have already included Stonecrest in your will or estate plans, we would like to recognize your generosity. Please contact us, so we can identify you as a member of the Stonecrest Legacy Society.