A New Center for Women in Northern Virginia
When women thrive, families grow stronger, communities improve, and society prospers.
The impact is felt for generations.
When women thrive, families grow stronger, communities improve, and society prospers. The impact is felt for generations.
Our Future New Center

In her work of creating a warm and formative atmosphere
around her… a woman fulfills the most indispensable part of her mission. Both family and society clearly need this special contribution.
-St. Josemaria Escriva
Who We Are
For over 60 years, the women at Stonecrest have sought to inspire women of all ages, backgrounds and seasons of life to grow personally, professionally and spiritually. Our goal is to assist women in their quest to live a life of integrity, to work with joy, to attend to their families with renewed energy, and to expand and materialize their desire to serve their friends and others in the community.
What We Do
Stonecrest Center supports initiatives that encourage mature women, mothers, young and mature professionals, college-age women, teens and young girls to work with a spirit of service, as well as a sense of mission and purpose.
Our initiatives include:
• Study Circles, growth in practical Christian living
• Stonecrest Home Arts Programs, knowledge and skills for joyful service in ordinary life
• Girls Clubs, experiencing virtue, friendship and fun
• Girls Leadership Camps, bonding and living Christian life together
• Service Projects, cultivating compassion for others
• Parenting Groups, becoming effective primary educators
• Cultural Seminars, empowering women to be protagonists of change
• Spiritual Retreats, Recollections, Catholic Doctrine Classes and Bible Studies, strengthening Christian identity
• Mentoring
Our Values
Each woman has a unique and essential role in society. Stonecrest Center helps women of all ages and walks of life to embrace their role, inspiring them to greater desires and empowering them to fulfil their aspirations.
Whether personally or professionally, every human person was created to work. Using their natural talents and hard-earned skills, women make an important contribution to the lives of those around them and to society at large. Stonecrest Center supports initiatives that encourage mature women, mothers, young and mature professionals, college-age women, teens and young girls to work with a spirit of service, as well as a sense of mission and purpose.
The home is the most influential place on Earth. Through their work in the home, women play a special role in creating an environment that nurtures, heals and instructs those around them. Stonecrest develops curricula and promotes off-site initiatives that help women acquire the practical skills and the personal attitudes needed to make bright and cheerful homes.
Healthy families make our society stronger. The family, where each member is loved unconditionally, is the most important school of humanity. The role of a woman within the family—as a mother, sister, daughter, grandmother, or aunt—is immense and irreplaceable. Stonecrest is committed to helping women build healthy families by fostering a spirit of service and deeper personal connection with others. This leads to strong families which lead more broadly to better friendships and more fruitful engagement with the greater community.

Red Turtleneck


Kid Construction Cap

2 White Jackets

Yellow Flowers

2 People Dig

Red Jacket

Orange Jacket
